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Resource efficiency through recycling and greenery solutions

Swing House in Keilaniemi, Espoo, is designed for the wellbeing of the users and the environment.

Swing House features a vertical green wall, which is connected to the central staircase and reaches up to the seventh floor. It is an aesthetic experience and also offers many benefits: in addition to plants that clean the indoor air, various herbs used by the restaurant also grow on the wall, and watering is taken care of by the property’s rainwater system. There are plenty of plants throughout the building: they help purify the indoor air while providing a calming and balancing ambiance.

The property also has a partial green roof, which has a practical purpose: it serves as sound abatement, absorbs and filters rainwater and melting snow, and captures carbon from the atmosphere. The green roof also insulates, which helps reduce the energy consumption of the building. In the summer, the green roof shields against the heat of the sun, cooling down the building, while in the winter it helps keep the heat in.

Besides innovative greenery solutions, the carbon footprint of the property is further reduced by excellent recycling facilities with the aim of minimising the volume of mixed waste while keeping valuable natural resources in circulation.

“Swing House supports our tenants’ sustainability efforts. WELL v2 Gold certified, the property has been designed with an extensive focus on the environmental, health and wellbeing aspects,” says Antti Pyötsiä, Head of Projects at Elo Mutual Pension Insurance Company.

Read more about the facilities at Swing House.
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Merja Rikkonen
Elo office leasing
+358 (0)50 344 3050

Swing House

Miestentie 7
02150 Espoo

Lobby Services
Mon-Fri klo 8-16
+358 400 804 314

Elo office leasing
050 432 3830

Restaurant Swing Deli

Open Mon-Thu  7.30–14.30
Fri 7.30-14.00
Breakfast Mon-Fri  7.30–10.00
Lunch Mon-Fri 10.30–13.30

Meeting reservations

Conference Center

7th Floor Meeting Rooms

Swing House is owned by Elo Mutual Pension Insurance Company

Elo Mutual Pension Insurance Company is one of Finland’s largest property owners and lessors. We have about 700,000 m² of office, commercial and storage space in the Helsinki region and in growth centres.

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