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Locally produced food made from sustainable ingredients: workplace dining with a good conscience

Swing House offers genuine, locally produced food – the herbs come from the green wall.

A tasty, varied meal provides sustenance for a busy day at work. Swing House has an eco-friendly and sustainable lunch restaurant where food is prepared by hand and with a big heart.

The restaurant uses sustainable raw materials, and Finnish local food and plenty of greens are available each day. For example, at breakfast, high-quality cheeses, fresh vegetables, raw porridge, organic yoghurt, fresh fruit and freshly squeezed vitamin-rich drinks are part of the basic selection, as well as certified fish and organic eggs.

“Ethically produced ingredients, minimising food waste and growing our own herbs in planters on the green wall are practical examples of how sustainability is a factor in every aspect of the building. We believe that details that users see in practice every day are just as important as larger decisions on sustainable energy sources,” says Merja Rikkonen, Senior Leasing Manager for Newsec.

Read more about the facilities at Swing House.
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Merja Rikkonen
Elo office leasing
+358 (0)50 344 3050

Swing House

Miestentie 7
02150 Espoo

Lobby Services
Mon-Fri klo 8-16
+358 400 804 314

Elo office leasing
050 432 3830

Restaurant Swing Deli

Open Mon-Thu  7.30–14.30
Fri 7.30-14.00
Breakfast Mon-Fri  7.30–10.00
Lunch Mon-Fri 10.30–13.30

Meeting reservations

Conference Center

7th Floor Meeting Rooms

Swing House is owned by Elo Mutual Pension Insurance Company

Elo Mutual Pension Insurance Company is one of Finland’s largest property owners and lessors. We have about 700,000 m² of office, commercial and storage space in the Helsinki region and in growth centres.

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