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Ground-source heating reduces the carbon footprint of office buildings

Finnish pension insurance company Elo focuses on responsible property business, which includes improving energy efficiency and increasing the use of renewable energy sources, recycling materials, and property and urban development that take environmental impacts into account. Swing House in Keilaniemi reduces its carbon footprint by using, for example, partial ground-source heat, electricity from domestic wind power, and a rainwater system to irrigate the green wall.

Partial ground-source heating saves up to 279 MWh of heating energy per year, which reduces the carbon footprint of the property annually by some 43.2 tCO2e. The unit used for calculating the carbon footprint, tonnes of CO2 equivalent (tCO2e), indicates the impact of greenhouse gas emissions from human activities.

“The estimated reduction of emissions is equivalent to 16 people driving their cars for a year, ten holiday flights to the Canary Islands by a family of four or the entire annual carbon footprint of four people,” says Vikke Niskanen, Design Director for Granlund, the company behind Swing House’s HVAC and building automation design.

Read more about the facilities at Swing House.

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Swing House

Miestentie 7
02150 Espoo

Lobby Services
Mon-Fri klo 8-16
+358 400 804 314

Elo office leasing
050 432 3830

Restaurant Swing Deli

Open Mon-Thu  7.30–14.30
Fri 7.30-14.00
Breakfast Mon-Fri  7.30–10.00
Lunch Mon-Fri 10.30–13.30

Meeting reservations

Conference Center

7th Floor Meeting Rooms

Swing House is owned by Elo Mutual Pension Insurance Company

Elo Mutual Pension Insurance Company is one of Finland’s largest property owners and lessors. We have about 700,000 m² of office, commercial and storage space in the Helsinki region and in growth centres.

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